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1 o CANADA & AUSTRALIA ON PAPER MIX fron about 30 years ago incl 11 lbs UNPICKED CANADA plus 24 lbs Australia cheaper mix from same period in large HEAVY BOX, GIZZILLIONS Est. $50-75
2 *o WW LARGE FILLED W/VARIOUS incl on/off paper mixes, various stockbooks & binders, red box of cheaper topicals, small box of Canada incl some better. A real mish mash 1000's Est. $75-125
3 *o FLOOR SWEEPING I LARGE APPLE CARTON FILLED with stuff accumulating in the bottomless pit. Ranges from sheets to boxes to covers & who know's what else Est. $50-100
4 *o FLOOR SWEEPING II LARGE BOX FULL OF STUFF incl WW covers, shoebox of Cdn FDC all sleeved & priced, various balances in large envelopes, boxes, CANADA YEAR SETS from 1980's & more. INSPECT! Est. $100-200
5 *o FLOOR SWEEPING III LARGE APPLE BOX FULL of various incl covers, old time glassines full of stamps from old approvals, wad of old Alta checks 1930's & on, various boxes, binders, old auction lots & more, 1000's Est. $100-200
6 *o FLOOR SWEEPING IV LARGE BOX of varous incl 2 tubs of USA/Canada FDC mostly 1950's-60's, ppc, 2 red boxes of topicals mostly cheaper, two volume Bileski Canada colln mostly Wpg tags & others, modern material plus various others in small boxes. HEAVY! Est. $100-200
7 *o FLOOR SWEEPING V LARGE MIX APPLE BOX of various of a wannabe dealer incl priced & sleeved box of cheaper, many topicals, USA colln in Harris album, plastic tub of glassines all identified & priced, better Gr Br QEII FDC, Cigar box of stuff, 1000's Est. $150-200
8 *o BRITISH PACIFIC Consignment Balance of collectors duplicates & others in various small boxes, some Australian literature, Year Sets incl 1992-3 sets w/replacement set also & others, all in a large box Est. $50-75
9 *oC WW LARGE APPLE BOX FILLED TO THE BRIM Includes covers, used Br Comm stock to 1970's, box of approvals from 1970's, stockbooks, USA commem sheets, bunch of CTO sheets & more, 1000's Est. $100-150
10 *o WW LARGE BOX of various stock books, remainder collns, old shoebox of covers of mostly pre 1950's, covers & various, accumulations in small boxes, mtd TOPICAL colln in binder. A real mess here. 1000's Est. $75-125
11 FDC ISRAEL Colln of mostly cacheted unaddressed FDC to 1986 in 5 cover albums w/slip cases F-VF Est. $75-125
12 *o AUSTRIA Small stockbook rang 1940's/mod, starts off with costume set incl #536(2), #537(14), #538(LH), #552(2), some duplication incl blocks, margin singles plus others, much MNH, CLEAN LOT F-VF 100's Est. $150-250
13 *o WW CONSIGNMENT BALANCE of various incl UNLISTED SHOW TYPE material, s/s, souvenier cards, various on approval pages. Best is 2 VOL colln of ISRAEL with one volume of tab singles to 1960's with some better valued items, the other album 1949-73 plate block colln all in a large box. INSPECT F-VF 100's+++ Est. $250-350
14 *o WW Various material in a box incl collns of BULGARIA & JUGOSLAVIA on MINKUS pages to 1970's, glassines of worldwide with a few better items, mostly Br Comm, Europe & others. Many 100's+++ Est. $100-200
15 *o CANADA Colln remainder in SCOTTS SPECIALTY album to 1990's, much mint to about 1981 then sparse & scattered used in 1990's. Earlies mostly used, some better noted. Many 100's Est. $150-200
16 *o WW Consignment balance in large shoebox. Note Canada sel on approval cards which appear to be priced in 1950's. Spotted better US incl #C1, #C4 used, #4145 (8 copies) plus a variety of other stuff. INSPECT. Many 100's++ Est. $100-150
17 * HUNGARY Mtd colln to 1962 in Scotts SPEALTY album incl better like #462-465, 486 & others. A NICE CLEAN BATCH OF MATERIAL, INSPECT. Many 100's+++ Est. $250-350
18 *o WW BANKERS BOX FULL OF FANCY RETAIL GLOSSY PACKETS made up in 1970's for retail with item to $20+, ideal for shop or show as the work is done 100's Est. $50-100
19 *o WW GOBS OF GIZZILIONS of stamps off paper in large box to 1980's with many large types, topicals & more 1000's+++ Est. $150-200
20 *o WW LARGE CARTON STUFFED with various incl remainder collns, CANADA Centennial bklts, mixtures, CANADA colln & more. INSPECT Est. $100-150
21 *o WW BANKERS BOX FULL incl several wooden boxes of USA with BOB run of used DUCKS (50+) incl RW7-8, RW10-11, RW13-16 plus others, some better modern mint Canada incl MILLENNIUM s/s MNH, stockbooks of various incl Europe to 1960's CTO sheets & others, 1000's Est. $100-150
22 *o WW Consignment Balance incl US 1989-90 PO Def mint set back (Retail 24.95), small stock book of various Israel, st bk of Neth & col mostly modern incl booklets 100's Est. $40-60
23 *o CANADA DEALERS STOCK in 102's to 1970's, a good number of items cat 100.00+, better dollar values mint, Jubilees, few mint ½c large queens & more. FAIR AMOUNT of value here, much mint with minimal duplication. Many 100's++ INSPECT! Est. $750-1000
24 *o WW HAVE CASE WILL TRAVEL SPECIAL Large black leather case stuffed with used Canada in various stockbooks, also WW 102's, few better Nfld & Canada BOB. VEST POCKET DEALER READY TO GO 1000's Est. $200-300
25 *o BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Collectors accumulation in 4 thick bulging large binders sorted on Hagner pages, mostly Elizabethan period, incl s/s, odd cover, some still in 102's, mostly cheaper but many stamps, 1000's++ Est. $100-200
26 *o EASTERN EUROPE COLLECTOR'S ACCUMULATION in 7 bulging binders incl 2 volumes of RUSSIA. Also ROMANIA, BULGARIA and others 1000's Est. $150-200
27 *o WW Collectors CLOSET CLEAN OUT of 14 binders of various countries incl GREECE, PORTUGAL, UN, AFRICA, ASIA, SO AMERICA, MIDDLE EAST and others, mostly cheaper filling a large apple box 1000's Est. $100-200
28 ** WORLD REFUGEE 1960's MINKUS ALBUM fairly complete mostly MNH colln incl sets, singles, s/s, and a run of FDC's. Some better MIDDLE EAST value sets incl CHINA #B4-B9 VF Est. $150-200
29 *o WW JOHN F KENNEDY TOPICAL COLLECTION in 1960 WHITE ACE album w/slip case, fairly complete incl sets, singles, s/s, Imperfs. Better items thru out incl SHARJAH #C7-C12 MNH plus others. Mostly MNH F-VF Est. $150-200
30 * UN Mtd colln in all AMERICAN album complete to 1992 incl Offices abroad, #38 s/s MNH. Mostly MNH F-VF Est. $150-200
31 o CANADA About 6 KGM ON PAPER MIX from last 10 years or so incl large types & commems 1000's Est. $75-100
32 o CANADA About 6 KGM ON PAPER MIX from last 10 years or so incl large types & commems 1000's Est. $75-100
33 o WW Shoebox of much overseas on paper mix mostly airmail rates to Canada as received from Charity incl Europe, Br Comm, Asia & others, hard to come by with less mail being sent nowdays. NICE MIX 1000's Est. $100-150
34 *o WW Small consignment balance incl colln of MONACO in Minkus album w/better incl #2-3 mint, #6, #15, #20 used, various old bid board auction sheets from 1970's, glassines, cards & more. Many 100's+++ Est. $200-250
35 *o WW Consignment Balance of various incl CANADA modern bklts, stock book w/cork cancels on US Bank note issues, mint US Plate blocks, various on pages & stockbook. Note CHINA #1261-64, #1682-93 MNH sets plus other stuff. Many 100's++ Est. $150-200
36 ** UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC Sel of all diff in 3 stock books incl UAR, EGYPT, rang 436/835, SYRIA #1/51, #B1, #C1/C40 incl #13A, #C10-C11, PALESTINE #N62/N122, CLEAN BATCH NH VF Est. $150-250
37 *o WW Box of various colln remainders, stock sheets, loose glassines, colln of mostly used in SCOTTS INT album, some better spotted, UN colln with #38 s/s, gen F thru out 1000's Est. $250-350
38 *o BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Sel of mostly mint much NH on stock sheets, mostly post 1940's incl better CANADA, FALKLAND ISLANDS, BR CARRIBEAN, MALTA BR PACIFIC (No Australia), HONG KONG & others F-VF Many 100's Est. $200-300
39 *o WW Large box of various in shoeboxes, loose incl covers, cheaper Br Comm, packet old auction lots. A real mess here in a very heavy box 1000's Est. $75-125
40 *o WW LARGE BOX filled with various on pages, bid board sheets, run of US commem panels, used US in 100's in envelopes, covers & more 1000's Est. $75-125
41 *o WW TOPICAL NATIVE INDIANS & ESKIMOS OF THE AMERICAS colln in 6 volumes all well written up and documented. Nice Specialized holding VF batch EX MOSER Many 100's+++ Est. $200-300
42 *o WW Consignment Balance in 3 volumes incl on Inuit/Eskimos in Canada incl #1402ai signed s/s and others, lastly volume of catch all much Indian related plus other topicals, CLEAN VF Est. $200-250
43 FDC AUSTRALIA FDC (1987-2000) ONE MAN'S COLLECTION of FDC mtd in four thick 3½ in bulging binders containing 450 mostly diff & fairly complete for the period incl sets, singles, s/s w diff ovpts, etc. with stamps face values to $20.00. TOTAL FACE OF STAMPS is about $A850.00 VF Clean lot Est. $200-250
44 oC CANADA TWO VOLUME CALGARY CANCEL COLLECTION range early/modern, one binder is Calgary Sub PO's incl covers, other binder is mostly slogans rang QV/QEII much pre 1950's on piece some covers & more. LOTSA STUFF HERE, INSPECT Est. $200-250
45 FDC EUROPA FDC Sel of 420+ mostly FDC to 1980's incl diff cachet types most unaddressed with better spotted priced at 40.00+ GOOD CLEAN BATCH for this popular area F-VF Est. $150-200
46 *o ARGENTINA Mtd colln on pages plus selection of mostly difff mint with strength post 1940's incl sets, singles, s/s that the collector did not mount 100's++ gen F-VF Est. $75-125
47 *o ECUADOR Small box absolutely crammed with stamps in glassines, partial pages & more. FUN BOX TO WADE THRU. Many 100's++ Est. $75.00
48 *o SOUTH AMERICA Sel of various on pages incl BRAZIL, GUATEMALA, PARAGUAY, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC to 1960's 100's++ Est. $75.00
49 *o SOUTH AMERICA Sel of 5 diff countries in file folders on reduced Scott Int pages incl DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, BRAZIL, CHILE, NICARAGUA, URUGUAY to 1970's. Many 100's Est. $75-100
50 *o WW ANCIENT 10TH CENTURY COLLN remainder in dilapidated PPEN's POSTAGE STAMP ALBUM. Usual MIXED CONDITION few salvageble incl CHINA 3 CANDARINS large dragon several chopped perfs, some better BNA & CANADA INSPECT Est. $50-100
51 *o CHINA OLD TIME DUPLICATED ACCUMULATION ON STOCK SHEET of mostly cheaper values to 1940's. Did notice #266 rejoined pair no gum incl some BOB material. OWNERS 1988 SCOTTS was $700+ Est. $100-200
52 o WW ONE MANS USED STOCK 1970's-80's incl CANADA huge amount of bundleware, much cheaper types, 2 metal drawers with Australia, NZ stock in glassines plus Ireland & others. Many 100's+++ Est. $200-300
53 *o WW LARGE BOX filled with stuff incl CANADA used bundles of 100, Post Office Year Sets, covers various WW colln balances on pages, stockbooks & more 1000's++ Est. $150-200
54 *o WW ONE WOMANS COLLECTION in 3 volume HARRIS WORLD stamp albums to 1970's. Mostly cheaper stamps in pristine albums & heavy! Many 100's++ Est. $50-100
55 *o WW Balance of ONE WOMANS colln that wasn't in previous lot mtd all tossed into a large box incl Canada album w/stamps, boxes, envelopes, US mint year sets & more 1000's Est. $75-150
56 *o WW Large Box of various loose glassines, cheaper, etc. various colln remainders plus box of Canada with Bileski material remainders incl BC Law stamps & others 1000's Est. $100-150
57 ** CANADA Collector's holding of 1960's-70's mostly MNH. Tagging, gum and other types of varietis in glassines incl multiples, strips, etc. All are properly identified. Good lot for reference & expansion. Also some earlier material mostly MNH VF. Many 100's Est. $150.00
58 *o WW Mtd colln in 8 volume SCOTT INTERNATIONAL albums Parts I-VIII, some better noted incl Canada 5c Quebec used & others. Many 100's+++ Est. $200-400
59 *o WW Consignment balance in a large box containing two REGENT WORLDWIDE albums to 1970's with quite a few stamps, good variety, some middle values, Scotts Int Jumior edition to 1920's, AMBASSADOR album to 1980's well filled with many stamps and lastly a variety of mostly modern incl Br Comm on stock pages. Decent lot for rooting thu 1000's Est. $200-300
60 *o WW Mtd colln in four spring back albums to 1970's has been picked to some extent, still plenty of stamps to be had 1000's Est. $150-200
61 * AUSTRALIA COLLECTORS COLLECTION on Hagner pages rang #256/1086, #C1/C8 fairly complete with AAT #L1/L75. Earlies hinged rest MNH. NICE CLEAN COLLECTION F-VF 2012 SCOTTS Cat. $1325.00
62 * NEW ZEALAND COLLECTORS COLLECTION mtd on Hagner pages rang QV to about 1988. Sparse in earlies does include 186Ab booklet, KGVI period, balance QEII with fair degree of completion, BOB incl health issues, s/s, better sets like the Smiling Boys, airs & Ross Dependency. Good array of better modern values and much MNH in modern period. CLEAN BATCH F-VF PH Est. $400-600 image
63 *o SOUTH WEST AFRICA Collectors colln on Hagner pages to 1980's plus sel of NAMIBA to 1990's incl better like #101-105 pairs, #249-60, #B1-B11 pairs, #C5 pair & others much of the modern is MNH. VERY CLEAN BATCH F-VF PH Cat. $1272.00 image
64 o CANADA WHOLESALE STOCK in brown envelopes to 1980's incl BOB. Bulk are QEII period. Many 100's Est. $75-100
65 o IRELAND USED STOCK to 1980's in stockbook much modern period some med values earlier issues, gen clean F thru out. Many 100's Est. $75-100
66 *o WW Box of various colln remainders on pages, stockbooks, country collections, small box of WW, cat in 1975 in glassines, show cards, mint USA, colln of JERSEY FDC to 1970 in album w/slip case incl #7-21 INSPECT. Many 100's+++ Est. $150-200
67 * PAPUA & NEW GUINEA 1952-1976 mtd colln on pages fairly complete for period incl #122-136, #139-146, #163 ovptd SPECIMEN, bklts, postage dues & extras CLEAN VF Est. $150-250
68 *o WW Stockbook of various sets, singles incl much modern Br Comm incl BIOT, NEW HEBREDES incl #1-6, #10-16 less #11, nice NORTH BORNEO 1940's incl Japanese occup. Nice set of early PAPUA incl airs, TRISTAN, LESOTHO & others, gen clean & VF BATCH, INSPECT Est. $250-500
69 *o WW ERRORS, FREAKS & ODDITIES Various on dealer cards, pages and stockbook incl Europe, USA, So America, Canada and others. If you are looking for the unusual this lot is for you 100's Est. $300-400
70 *o WORLDWIDE & BRITISH COMMONWEALTH SUNDRY 1900-1985 neatly displayed on 100's of dealers sales pages, sets & singles, some better, wide range of material including some errors, varieties, unlisted many surprises here, careful scrutiny will be rewarded, please inspect Est. $500-750
71 *o BRITISH COMMONWEALTH SUNDRY 1879-1995 displayed on Hagner pages in 3 ring binders with wide rang of issues from Queen Victoria to QEII, some errors & varieties, thematics incl Disney sets & souvenier sheets, much miscellaneous sets & singles, high retail potential, careful examination will be rewarding Est. $500-750
72 *o SCANDINAVIA SELECTION 1873-2002 displayed in dealer sales books, some high catalogue value used Denmark and Iceland. Also modern MNH sets, singles and many items rang $20-40. Needs careful examination Est. $300-400
73 *o WORLDWIDE SUNDRY 1860-1980 neatly arranged in counter books, wide variety of countries, some unlised, excellent material for bourse dealer, some slight duplication, good retail potential, needs detailed evaluation Est. $500-700
74 *o BRITISH COMMONWEALTH SUNDRY Sel of various incl colln of FALKLAND Is Dep 1946-54 on minkus pages all mint incl some MNH (Sc 150.00). Sel of early BR GUIANA issues mostly used, Tanzania modern s/s, stockbook of 1970's-80's GUTTER pair blocks, etc. & Bahamas low value QEII issues in sheets F-VF Est. $150-200
75 *o BRITISH COMMONWEALTH SUNDRY 1880-1980 three counter books with sale sheets, wide range of colonies, some unlisted varieties, minimal duplication, please inspect Est. $250-350
76 *o BRITISH COMMONWEALTH SUNDRY 1900-1980 neatly displayed on sales pages & cards, variety of Colonies incl Br Pacific, Br Africa, Br America, Cyprus & others. Note better items, much F-VF, please inspect Est. $250-350
77 *o BRITISH COMMONWEALTH SUNDRY 1875-1980 three binders with dealer pages mostly British Pacific & British America mint sets & singles with decent Falklands, Antarctic, etc. please inspect, og, hinged or never hinged Est. $200-300
78 *o BRITISH EUROPE SUNDRY 1840-1980 nicely displayed in two counter books incl decent Penny Black, many definitives QV & Kings, Channel Islands, Ireland, few officies & BOB, please inspect for accurate evaluation Est. $300-400
79 *o WORLDWIDE SUNDRY mix of issues in dealers pages, singles, sets incl Europe, Germany & various others. Please Inspect Est. $150-250
80 C WW Sel of covers in 5 thick volumes filling a bankers box of mostly post 1940's oversize covers, much overseas rates to USA. Variety of countries incl Asia, Pacific, Br Commonwealth & Europe, Some better, Cond vaies. Many 100's+++ Est. $150-250
81 C CANADA About 19lbs of modern 1970's YUKON & NWT CN Telecommunications covers, variety of cancels incl towns, slogans, etc. FUN LOT Many 100's++ Est. $100-150
82 C USA 20th CENTURY box of covers mainly 1940's-50's with some interesting items scattered thru out, some earlier, worth inspection. Many 100's++ Est. $40-60
83 FDC IRELAND FDC 1970-1980's Sel of 95 mostly diff incl many with full sets, definitives to £5. Mostly unaddressed F-VF Est. $100-125
84 C WW CONCORD COVER mtd colln incl 49 FLOWN covers 1976-1980, 9 FDC, 5 s/s, incl also some collatoral material & even a pilot signed cover. Nice Specialized holding F-VF Est. $200-250
85 C GREAT BRITAIN SLOGAN POST MARK COLLECTION 1961-62 Sel of over 300 covers, 61 on piece and 49 GPO OFFICIAL bulletins specialized slogan colln in thick album with elusive usages, unusual strikes, hard to put together, well researched and nicely written up. NICE GROUPING FOR THE SPECIALIST F-VF Est. $200-250
86 C AUSTRALIA STATES HORRID HOARD of tattered covers & postal stationary in ancient decrepid shoe box which appears to have survived the nastiest cyclone down under. Also scattering of ancient Br Comm stny mostly unused, scads of cheaper stamps off paper in glassines. Mostly NSW & Victoria. All this box needs is a tunnel spider to keep it in its present state, 100's+ HIGHLY MIXED CONDITION Est. $75-150
87 C AUSTRALIA Sel of 450+ 1930's mostly VICTORIA internal covers. Much Milbourne incl c/c, slogans, scattering of KGV heads & others. Good lot for the specialist. Cond varies Est. $75-100
88 C WW WWII CENSORED COVERS Sel of 100 mostly #8's & European size incl Europe, Br Comm, So America & others, good variety, gen F Est. $150-250
89 Bx WW WWII CENSORED COVERS Sel of 100 mostly #8's or European size incl Europe, Br Comm, So America & others, good variety, gen F Est. $150-250
90 C WW WWII CENSORED COVERS Sel of 100 mostly #8's incl some oversize #10's incl Europe, So America, Br Comm & others, good variety, some faults Est. $150-200
91 C WW WWII CENSORED COVERS Mtd colln of 50+ on pages nicely written up and annodated with regard to rates, censor types, routes, etc. with better items. Mostly Br Commonwealth covers, clean F-VF EX CHRISTOPHER MILLER Est. $200-300
92 C AUSTRALIA WWII CENSORED MILITARY COVERS Sel of 50 TATTERSALLS covers with abundance of censor markings, military cancels all addressed to Tasmania, good variety of cancels, gen F Est. $150-200
93 C SOUTH AMERICA Sel of 275 covers to 1950's. Bulk are 1940's-50's incl rates, airmails, good variety of countries, mostly commercial mail to USA, gen F-VF Est. $50-100
94 C WW Sel of 550+ majority 1940's-60's incl Middle East, Europe, incl much Russia to 1990's, better German area incl Esperanto material, Europe modern postage dues, British Commonwealth incl military related FPO's, censor, etc. Cond varies Est. $150-200
95 C WW Sel of 230 mostly 1920's-50's mtd on Scott Int pages incl Asia & Pacific w/Japan, Trukey, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Pacific incl Australia, Indonesia, Philipines, New Zealand. Mostly commercial mail incl air rates. Also scattered US FFC & mix of foreign flight incl Tin Can mail, etc. Nice variety, gen F Est. $200-300
96 C WW Sel of 230+ mtd on Scotts Int pages 1920's-60's incl Br Comm, Asia, Africa with runs of India, Iran, Isreal much Europe incl maxi cards, censors, commercial events, FDC & others, nice grouping, gen F Est. $200-300
97 C CANADA Sel of about 350+ rang from cents issues to 1970's incl small queens, nice runs of 1920's-30's period, censors, plus FDC from 1940's-50's, ppc incl Yukon, eastern & others. Also incl about 40 ratty LORD'S CAVE NB w/encl to USA. COND MIXED still salvageable Est. $300-400
99 *o INDIA & PAKISTAN Old time mostly used accumulation to 1950's in 102's incl much early QV India BOB & scattering of states. Palestine is mostly used. Specialist lot as there are better mixed in thru out 100's Est. $75-100
100 C YUGOSLAVIA mtd colln in LINDNER FALZOS ALBUM of 30+ covers 1940's-50's mostly FDC plus set of 20 on stock sheets unmounted incl SERBIA, CROATIA & others same period CLEAN & VF Est. $150-200
101 C WW BANKERS BOX FULL TO THE TOP of mostly commercial, some philatelic, ppc, stny, etc. to 1970's. Variety of areas incl Europe, Asia, Br Comm, So America & others. DOLLAR BOX SPECIAL. Many 100's++++ Est. $100-200
102 C WW Sel of about 1500 covers incl postal stny, postcards, FDC, commercial & others. Mostly from late 19th century to late 20th Century incl PERSIA, Indian States, Switzerland FDC's, Europe, Br Comm & others. Variety of stuff here incl some better like USA #112 (Sc $150) on piece, censors & others. Cond varies Est. $200-300
103 C WW About 600 mixed WW rang to 1980's incl FDC, Stationary, Events, commercial & others incl Br Comm, Europa, Africa, etc. mostly cheaper, good lot for small cover dealer or ebayer, cond mixed Est. $150-200
104 C WW About 1000 COMMERCIALLY USED covers mostly to USA to late 1940's. Bulk are 1940's usage incl some censors, various rates incl some hi values on oversized covers. Much Europe, So America, So Africa & Pacific area. CONDITION MIXED Est. $150-200
105 C WW Box of various incl 4 collns in binders & loads of loose incl better rang stampless/1970's with FFC, CENSORS, ROCKET FLIGHTS, commercial & philatelic mail. Decent lot for internet sales. Many 100's Est. $250-350
106 C WW Sel of 300+ 1930's-1980's covers incl much 1950's-70's with FDC many complete sets, commercial ppc with run of about 40 EXPO '67 Montreal ppc & others, CLEAN BATCH gen F-VF Est. $100-200
107 C WW Sel of 500 A/N covers to 1960's rang from mix of earlies, stny, censors then goes on to sorted covers much FDC of 1950's-60's incl Austria, Australia private cachets, Canada private cachets, some earlier from 1930's. Denmark & others. Mix of addr & unaddr FDC with some better spotted. Appears to have not seen daylight since 1980's, gen F-VF Est. $200-250
108 C WW Sel of 500 covers in a cover box to 1960's mostly. Partner to the above lot. Starts off with a mix of WW early/1960's up front incl some better then sorted mostly Europe, Africa & others incl commercial, FDC's, censors & others, some better, gen F thru out Est. $200-300
109 C WW Sel of 550 mostly 1950-60's much FDC material incl Australia, Canada, Belgium, France with semipostals, NZ with runs of private cachet some unaddressed much going to USA & various other odds & ends. Nice Clean lot, gen VF Est. $200-300
110 C WW BANKERS BOX FULL OF STUFF rang earlies/1980's incl commercial mail, philatelic, FDC, stny incl USA, Europe, WW, Commonwealth & others. A real mess of stuff. Cond Mixed. Many 100's+++ Est. $150-200
111 C WW Sel of 200 rang early to 1940's mostly incl commercial stampless, FFC, censors, stny, maxi, ppc & others. Generally Eruope, Br Comm, So America mostly. Decent lot for small dealer or internet sales, gen F Est. $200-250
112 C WW Sel of 200+ rang early to 1940's incl Europe, Br Comm, USA & others. Noted stampless, Perfins, stny, censors, commercial & others. Good variety with some better, gen F Est. $200-300
113 FDC NEW ZEALAND Colln/Sel of 200+ semi postal covers 1937-1980's incl mtd colln on pages, various cachets, censors, rates, etc. NICE CLEAN LOT, gen F-VF Est. $100-150
114 C NEW ZEALAND About 100+ mostly to 1940's all sleeved and priced incl FDC, rates mostly overseas, stationary, censors & others. Priced at about $1500.00. CLEAN BATCH, good variety, gen F-VF Est. $150-250
115 C GREAT BRITAIN Sel of 125 mostly pre 1950 but does incl about 55 MACHIN PHILATELIC COVERS (Priced at 200.00) Good variety in balance incl stny, military, rates, cancels, perfins, censors & others, all are in plastic sleeves prices @ 2000.00. Cond varies but gen F thru out Est. $150-200
116 C EUROPE Sel of 300 mostly Europe to 1960's. A real mess of stuff incl oversize, commercial, censors, rates & more. Some better incl Germany, France B66-67, B70 LOUVRE tied to ppc, run of Great Britain, etc. Much pre 1960's. MIXED CONDITION Est. $150-200
117 C PHILIPINES Sel of 250+ rang 1930's-60's incl runs of stny from Spanish period (mint), to Japanese occup, FDC, Events, FFC and a run of many registered rates to USA form the 1960's, good variety of stuff here Est. $100-150
118 PS CANADA Sel of 250+ from an old time holding to 1960's. Bulk are pre 1950's incl much QV period with some better like #P4 used overseas, few railway cards, good variety of material with good portion used, gen F Est. $100-200
119 PS CANADA Sel of about 1100 pieces rang QV/1960's. There are about 400 1971-74 mint pictorial postcards and about 300 QEII pieces. Balance mostly QV/KGV period incl used cancels, variety of mint with some duplication like #P3 & #P4. A hodge podge of stuff here, gen F Est. $100-150
120 C NEWFOUNDLAND #66, #80/86 60 mostly Royal Family & map covers incl raes, combo, postmarks all internal to ST JOHN'S, CONDITION VARIES Est. $200-250
123 FFC CANADA Sel of 55 mostly FFC several better 1930's FDC incl in total, 1920-30's with better frankings, many #C1's, all housed in a cover album. Includes NWT & Westerns, Clean Lot F-VF Est. $100-150
124 FFC CANADA Sel of mostly WESTERN CANADA & NWT FFC incl 50+ mostly with #C1 appears to be mostly diff 1929 flights and about 60+ LA LOCHE/ILE A LACROSE NO 19 1936 duplicate flights, gen F Est. $150-200
125 C WW Balance of Consignment of collectors cover colln incl 3 volumes of WW Philatelic franked covers 1950's-60's to US, 2 binders of So America incl censors, a binder of Netherlands ppc and US postal stny colln from 1970's. Clean Batch F-VF Est. $100-200
126 C BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Sel of 625+ rang stampless to 1970's. Much Pacific area incl run of Australia FDC with variety of private cachets, some better, Australian states early ppc mostly used, NZ, TIN CAN MAIL, Great Britain, Br Africa & others (NO CANADA), censors, paquebot & others. Some better noted INSPECT Est. $400-500
127 C US & WORLDWIDE MOUNTED COVER COLLECTION (130) old time holdings incl couple dozen USA early RPO's. Balance are mostly pre 1950's PAQUEBOT incl various ships, sea ports, paqubot cancels and more incl Europe, Br Comm & others, nice variety, gen F thru out Est. $150-250
128 C INDIA COLLECTOR'S COLLECTION OF 145+ on pages well annotated, diverse & many useful items. Begins with an 1842 stampless from the 15 HUSSARS reg to England, continues to include #2 cover, many Victoria surface print covers incl double & tri colour frankings, good postmarks, later censors, etc. We also note lots of lovely airmail covers with strong FFC (KGV period) armed forces, stationary & others. Nice mix of material here, well worth a review F-VF Est. $750-1000
129 C WW BANKERS BOX FULL OF VARIOUS Consignment balance of covers, nice mix of commercial to 1970's plus run of Philatelic FDC incl So America, Africa & others 1960's-70's. Also various on mtd pages incl earlier, flights, 2 vol colln of Europa 1977-8 in binders. A mess of stuff here Est. $150-200
130 C WW About 600+ mostly from the last 30 years or so, much is philatelically franked oversea mail to US incl Europe, Pacific, New Zealand, Asia, Mexico also some ppc & others Est. $50-100
131 C ASIA Sel of 300+ covers rang early/modern incl HONG KONG(90), CHINA'S (100). Balance incl Malaysia, Indonesia & others. Mostly post 1940's, mostly rates overseas to No Am, some FDC & others Est. $150-250
132 C JAPAN Sel of 370+ rang early/modern, Includes about 190 internal rated postal cards to 1940's. Balance are mostly overseas covers, stny, ppc, etc. much post 1940's INSPECT Est. $150-250
133 C PHILIPINES Sel of 250+ covers rang early/modern, much post 1940's period incl stny, rates overseas, some FDC & commercial usages, gen F thru out Est. $75-150
134 C WW Sel of 175 AIRLETTERS all postally used mostly EUROPE & BRITISH COMMONWEALTH. Bulk are 1950's-60's period, gen F thru out Est. $75-125
135 C INDIA & STATES Sel of 180 rang early/1970's. There are 65+ States, mostly Conventional, internal rates, stny, pc's & others. Balance is India incl run of internal postal cards 1940's-60's blanace scattered early QV plus others. Mostly overseas. Cond is mixed. Interesting grouping Est. $150-250
136 C WW BANKERS BOX OLD TIME DISSARRAY much US to 1940's, modern WW FDC and a run of WW postal stny mostly 19th Century mint with scattered used. INSPECT. Many 100's+++ Est. $100-200
137 C USA Sel of 150 to 1940's. Mostly 19th Century incl cancels, rates, few better noted. Note ST LOUIS 1904 ppc (2) one with HOLD TO LIGHT, overseas rates, stny & more Est. $150-200
138 C USA Sel of 215 rang early/1940's incl much 19th Century incl stampless, cancels, rates. Also run of FDC incl Flags, Famous Americans, Patriotes & more. Nice lot for break down on ebay or retail Est. $200-250
139 PPC WW BANKERS BOX FULL TO THE TOP mostly pre 1940 US & WW ppc. A real mish mash incl mint ppc, used, greeting, scattered real photos & more. INSPECT, HEAVY 1000's Est. $200-250
140 C WW Sel of 200+ rang stampless/1950's incl censors, stny, short paids, perfins, commercial mail with better to retail $40+, spotted good variety, INSPECT Est. $200-300
141 C BRITISH AFRICA Sel of 200+ to 1970's incl So Africa, Rhodesia, commercial mail, FDC's, plus others incl run of Egypt incl early stny & others. Variety of material here Est. $150-250
142 C BRITISH PACIFIC Sel of 300+ to 1970's incl Australia with some states KGV run of issues mostly to USA, commercial, FDC's & others. New Zealand, Papua & New Guinea mostly FDC, range of others incl smaller countries. Interesting mix of material here, some better FDC & more Est. $250-350
143 PPC CHANNEL ISLANDS Shoebox of one man's purchases over the years incl nice runs of early pre 1920's ppc much used then goes on to modern period incl Maxi cards, chromies & philatelic cancels on card. Strength in Isle of Man & some Guernsy & Jersey. Most was purchased overseas & in some cases still in orig packing. NICE LOT for this area Est. $150-250
144 C RUSSIA Sel of about 200 covers to 1990's incl Latvia, Lithuania rang of FDC, Maxi Cards, Commercial, Special Events & more. Much is 1970's-80's with some early, gen F Est. $75-100
145 FDC ASIA About 200 1960's FDC all cacheted mostly unaddressed incl CHINA(TAIWAN) (59), Ryukus (61), India (34), Ceylon (23) and Japan incl sets, singles, gen F-VF Est. $100-150
146 C ASIA Balance of consignment of 90+ incl about 50+ commercial and India, Malaysia & others and balance of 40+ 1990 PROC CHINA FDC & stny (all cacheted unaddressed), gen F-VF Est. $100-150
147 C CANADA Sel of 250+ covers ranging stampless to 1950's incl rates, postal stny, ppc, better FDC's from the 1930's, cancels, RPO's & more, good lot for small cover dealer, gen F Est. $200-300
148 C WW BANKERS BOX filled to the top with covers, cover colln balances incl FDC, Commercial Mail, Europa, Colln of COSTA RICA & DOMINICA, censor, rates, etc. Decent lot Inspect Est. $200-250
149 C WW About 950 covers wide range of material from a little early stampless and classic period to 1950's, most countries represented with some material in slips and retail up to $50, postal stny items incl used, Br Comm incl Penny Reds, Europe, So America & more, good lot for small cover dealer, gen F Est. $250-350
150 *o WW BANKERS BOX FULL of various incl USA colln to 1980's, Israel colln to 1960's, various stock books filled with WW stamps, small box country selections, cigar box of stuff, HOCKEY CARDS from 1990's. Auction remainder of Canada w/better values incl #158-159 used. Inspect. Many 100's+++ Est. $150-200
151 *o WW HOARDERS SEPCIAL Bags of CANADA & USA on paper, various made up packets for retail, Canada Year Sets 1970, 1980-81, covers & more. Mess of stuff 1000's Est. $75-100
152 *o WW CLOSET CLEAN OUT SPECIAL Various colln remainders incl Canada, USA, St Christopher, stockbooks, loose, Asia, FDC's & more packed into large box 100's+++ Est. $100-200
153 * BR COMMONWEALTH 1953 CORONATION colln mtd on pages total of 106 stamps mostly MNH incl HONG KONG Est. $75.00
154 *o AUSTRIA Mtd colln in MINKUS album to 1973 with useful earlies, nice complete sets forward to 1973. Many sets to $10 with better values to 100.00 spotted incl BOB & other issues, much used with many CDS F-VF Many 100's Est. $300-400
155 o CANADA COLLECTOR'S ACCUMULATION of about 900+ SON or almost full CDS strikes on stamps range QV/1970's. Much in 1940's-60's period with a lot of nice strikes incl better like $1 Ferry blk of 4, various values and more. NICE LOT to pick thru or expand Est. $75-100
156 *o SWEDEN 1850's-1987 mtd colln on Scotts Specialty pages in Sc Int Album incl better values, sets, bklts, plus many extra items, strength in modern period. Mostly used, collectors collection as received, CLEAN F-VF Est. $350-500
157 *o WW TOPICALS SPORTS ON STAMPS Collectors colln on blank pages to 1950's incl better like CHINA #1089-90, MONACO #CB7-10, RUSSIA 559-68 all mint plus others OWNERS SCOTTS Cat. $660.00
158 *o ITALY & COLONIES Duplicated accumulation on stock pages, range 1900/modern. Much Italy used to 1950's incl some better values 1920-30's cat to 30.00+. Scattered modern mint with fair amount of BOB material incl Offices, Colonies with many med values incl used to $5-20 range. Good lot for small dealer or approval book maker as there are many stamps here. Many 100's+++ Est. $150-200
159 *o ICELAND 1876-1950 mtd colln on pages much is used with duplication in perfs, varieties, cancel interest, scattered mint in 1970's+ on stock pages. Better noted incl #21 mint, 58-59 used, #125 mint, #127 used, 209-211 MNH, some Greenland & more, gen F-VF 100's+++ Est. $150-200
160 o SWEDEN 1858-1939 mtd colln on quadrille pages of mostly used, some duplication with selections of shades, cancels, perfs, etc. Better items thru out including @12, #20(3), #26, #B1-10, #B22-31, #O28-O55 all used, clean batch F-VF Est. $100-200
161 *o PRTUGAL & COLONIES modest colln on pages rang 1910-1990's mostly used, did notice 437-449 mint incl decent showing of colonies, mostly lower priced but still lotsa stamps, some scattered mint modern, gen F thru out. Many 100's++ Est. $100-150
162 **BKT GREAT BRITAIN Sel of 75+ MACHIN DECIMAL BOOKLETS to 1980 on Hagner pages all identified by SG numbers. Catalogued years ago at $900.00, MNH F-VF Est. $150-200
163 *o WW Consignment Balance incl 2 vol UN colln to 1960's which incl pl blks, FDC, singles, shoebox of collectors accumulations in glassines, colln rem in old Sct Int album, 1991 Royal Wedding Roland Hill colln on special pages MNH (Owners 1991 Scotts 335.00), gen F-VF Many 100's+++ Est. $150-200
164 *o WW Box of various incl USA used sorted in 2 stockbooks, stock book of used Canada to 1950's w/some better, Canada Year Sets 1976, 78-80, various stuff in boxes, on paper and more 1000's Est. $75-150
165 o AUSTRALIA USED STOCK DECIMAL PERIOD to 1990's all sorted on manilla stock sheets in two large binders w/better values. Ready to go for retail incl lotsa complete sets, etc. Many 100's+++ Est. $200-250
166 o CANADA Sel in 2 stockbooks one mostly multiples, blocks, booklet panes all used with some nicely cancelled, other stockbook is wholesale used 1970's-90's all sorted & ready to go. Many 100's+++ Est. $100-150
167 *o CANADA BANKERS BOX FULL of one collectors holding incl 2 Scott Spec Albums, one used other BOB & BNA, 3 stock books of various incl scattered mint, Precancels, Perfins, 2 binders of mostly used much earlier incl small queens faulty hi values, some decent large queens and a thick bulging stockbook of used CANADA 1950's-80's, 1000's Est. $250-300
168 * FAROE ISLANDS mtd colln in Scotts Specialty album to 1991 complete with bklts then continues on with 70+ FDC, 40+ covers incl paquebots, maxi cards & others, colln of Xmas seals in sheets 1976-91. COLLECTOR'S COLLECTION AS RECEIVED VF Est. $250-350
169 *o WW LARGE BOX full of stuff incl 2 vol Supreme Global albums w/scattered stamps, CANADA ON/paper mix, various US & WW colln remainders, box of stamps off/paper mixes, etc. 1000's Est. $100-200
170 *o LATIN WEST INDIES mtd colln in Scotts Specialty album to 1960's incl COLUMBIA, CUBA and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Many 100's++, gen F-VF Est. $150-200
171 *o WW CONSIGNMENT BALANCE filling BANKERS BOX with various in st books, albums, pages and more. Includes Canada mint colln to 1980's, US colln in Scotts Simplified album to 1940 note #78 with segmented cork cancel (Scotts $350). A mess of stuff. Many 100's+++ Est. $250-300
172 ** USA GUAM GUARD MAIL 14 diff 1980 reprints sheets of 25 in stockbook NH VF Est. $75.00
173 ** UN Accum of various UN, NY in glassines to about 1980's (Face is 183.00) plus offices in Geveva 1975-80's (Face is 457 SF). TOTAL CANADIAN $850.00 NH VF Est. $200-250
174 *o WW COLLECTOR'S STAMP ROOM CLEAN OUT SPECIAL in bankers box incl mtd Canada colln, Scads of USA mint aerograms, various Europe in binders, topicals, cigar boxes & more 1000's Est. $150-200
175 *o WW Box of various collns, stock books, incl colln of mint UN with #38 s/s, colln of Canada to 1970's with some better colln of 1977 QEII Jubilees (not complete), USA scattered colln, stockbook of world wide & others. Many 100's++ Est. $200-300
176 *o IRAN Mtd colln on MINKUS pages in Scotts Specialty album to 1950's incl earlies w/some postally used, mint & others. Best is the post 1940's-50's period incl #871-875, #910-914(2), #933-34, #B16, #941-46(2), #B28-29, #1015-1019, #1020-22 all mint plus others, gen F-VF Est. $200-250
177 *o EASTERN EUROPE Collns of POLAND, BULGARIA, ALBANIA, YUGOSLAVIA on MINKUS pages rang to 1970's. Best is Poland with BOB & others, gen F. Many 100's++ Est. $100-150
178 *o WW Consignment Balance in large box incl WW ON/OFF paper, Canada mix on paper, remainder collns of USA, Canada in binders, boxes of stuff and more 1000's Est. $75-125
179 o CANADA Sel of 3c SMALL QUEENS chock full in 3 manilla stock pages incl cancels, shades with better earlier shades. SPECIALIST LOT INSPECT 100's++ Est. $150-200
180 *o WW BANKERS BOX Collectors accumulation of stuff incl WW mixes in boxes, mint ARAB SHEIKDOMS, USA, PO Packs, WW s/s topicals & more Est. $150-200
181 *o WW CONSIGNMENT BALANCE in large box incl Shoebox of ppc (mostly modern), shoebox of Israel as accumulated by collector incl covers, etc. shoebox of Australia as received from PO incl Presentation Packs, FDC, etc. from 1980's-90's, sev shoeboxes of bundleware incl Australia $10 definitive (200), Canada #208 (200), Jamaica, Bahamas & more plus others in binders, etc. 1000's Est. $150-200
182 o AUSTRALIA TWO stocksheets of used one with duplicated Roo's & KGV Heads incl cancels, etc. the other duplicated modern hi values $2-10 used. Cond varies. Sev 100's Est. $100-200
183 *o USA & WW SHOEBOX stuffed with issues to 1990's mainly multiples, blocks of 4, etc. with scattering of mint as accumulated by collector. Many 100's++ Est. $75-100
184 *o USA & WW ONE MAN'S ACCUMULATION in large shoebox of many multiple incl blks of 4 to 1990's, much US, some Br Comm & others. Many 100's+++ Est. $75-100
185 * MACAO POSTAL TAX ISSUES About 100 IMPERFS or PART PERFS plus 250 copies of RA15 with the background variety, very high YANG cat value, some faults Est. $300-350
186 *o WW Box of various country collns incl ALBANIA, YUGOSLAVIA, SAN MARINO, SWEDEN, SPAIN in folder lots plus colln of USA in Scotts Spec album to 1970's incl some scattered better values & sets, colln of mostly USA blks of 4 used on Scotts National album pages. Many 100's Est. $200-250
187 *o SAMOA SPECIALIZED holding of PALM values sorted by types using SG numbers. A huge holding incl varieties, mint, used, multiples, cancels, incl bisects. ONE MAN'S life time study of these issues. SPECIALIST LOT ideal for expansion. Many 100's+++ Est. $750-1500
188 *o USA Accumulation of various as received by collector in 1990's incl presentaiton packs, philatelic products, Audobaun Society sheets, etc. Includes 60.00+ face along with rest of stuff. Many 100's Est. $75.00
189 o CANADA SMALL QUEENS Sel in old APS circuit book pages 55+ Squared circle cancels incl some Westerns, mostly small queens, some Jubilees & others. Also includes about 120+ mostly 3c small queens with cancels, fair amount of square circles, balance CDS, split rings, some RPO & others Est. $150.00
190 *o WW Small box of various groupings much British Commonwealth incl various rem collns of Great Britain on pages; used stock in thick binder, various colonies & scattering of WW incl Asia 1000's Est. $150-200
191 *o LAOS Sel/Accum in Hagner pages to 1970's incl sets, single, s/s, gen clean F-VF 100's++ Est. $75-100
192 *o SCANDINAVIA Mtd colln to early 1950's on Scotts Specialty pages much used with nice CDS cancels, not much in earlies with bulk of issues between 1900-1940's, clean F-VF Est. $100-150
193 *o WW BANKERS BOX with everything under the kitchen sink dumped into this box rang from 1000's of Cdn commems bundleware to junk & more junk 1000's Est. $100-150
194 *o WW Useful selection of mint & used on two stockpages rang $5-$50 incl some Europa MNH, Eruope, Asia & others. Cond Varies. OWNERS 2009 SCOTT $1500.00 Cat. $150-200
195 * CANADA Mtd colln rang #14 thru 1980's some better earlies used incl 1c & 2c large queens, small queens, Widow Weeds, scattered mint Jubilees, Quebecs to the 15c used, fairly complete mint from 1950's on BOB, revenues & others, gen F Est. $300-500
196 *o THAILAND 1910-1926 hundreds of mostly used in ancient brown envelopes in quantity (50+) incl mint NH #146 1910 3s, better used like #144, few revenues, cancels, etc. SPECIALIST LOT Many 100's+++ Est. $150-200
197 *o CANADA BILESKI SPECIAL in 3 of his trademark album incl floral plate blks, the usual XMAS pl blks m & used incl Winnipeg tags, gen F-VF Est. $100-150
198 *o WW LARGE HEAVY BOX CRAMMED w/ALBUMS & binders in 2 vol Canada used colln w/many modern SON cancels, some better values, Y2K CANADA POST year sets, large binder of TOPICALS and 8 remainder collns of mostly cheaper material 100's+++ Est. $100-200
199 o GREAT BRITAIN #33 PENNY REDS uncirculated RPSC circuit book with Plate #137(47), #138(37), #139(55), #140(41). All diff plate positions. SCOTTS Cat. $1436.00